Collier's Cranes |
There's a lot of origami on display at MIT right now that you should check out if you have a chance. The most stunning is Collier's Cranes, which started out as a hack last year to honor Officer Sean Collier on the one year anniversary of his death. I asked around and found out that MIT liked it so much they decided to leave it up indefinitely. The cranes are installed in the Stata Center (Building 32) in the lobby at the corner of Vassar and Main Streets near the site of his permanent memorial which will be dedicated later this month. (More photos.)
OrigaMIT (MIT's origami club) has a temporary installation of a Menger Sponge on the other side of the building. It is one face of a level 3 Menger Sponge and was made using 25,000 business cards! I contributed a very small piece of the model. The MIT Menger Sponge was made as part of the MegaMenger project. This video shows how it's made. It is located in the Dreyfoos Tower elevator lobby next to a bank of pay phones. I'm told it will be there until some time in May.
The 14th Annual Student OrigaMIT Competition is on display on the other side of campus in the Wiesner Student Art Gallery on the second floor of the Stratton Student Center (Building W20). The club is open to the public and meets most Sundays during the school year from 3-5pm. Check the calendar on their website to find out when the next meeting is. The exhibit will be up until some time next month. (More photos.)
Hanging Cranes by Lily Zhou '17 inspired by the Collier's Cranes installation won first place in the Composition category.
Star Festival, designed by Nobuko Okabe, folded by OrigaMIT co-president, Yongquan Lu. YQ taught this model at OrigaMIT's 2014 Convention in November.
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